How to deal with a hyperactive child ?

Hello there beautiful people ❤ 🙂

My last post had all information you would need to know about ADHD 🙂

Today’s post is going to guide you as to how you can de al with a hyperactive child 🙂


Dealing with hyperactive children is an extremely challenging task for not only the parents, but also for their teachers and caretakers. They always seem to be doing something or the other.

Now some children are this way from birth whereas other children are this way because of the lack of attention that they wish to get from their parents and it has also been observed that many children behave in a hyperactive manner just to draw attention of their parents and people around.

But the good news is that, though these children are tough to control, it is not impossible for parents and teachers to manage them successfully.

Ways, tips and tricks to deal with hyperactive child:

1. Introduce your child to flexibility

It is okay to teach your child to maintain discipline however giving him somedownload (9) flexibility is also equally important. All you have to do is to make sure your child knows that when you mean discipline, he better maintains it.

Make sure that your relationship with your child does not revolve around instructions and order alone. Spend quality time with your child… Take him outdoors… Let him enjoy the time spent with you…

This way he can also have his set of enjoyment as he simultaneously makes use of his energy levels 🙂

2. Redirect your child’s attention in the right track

There should definitely be something your child is extremely good at and loves spending time doing the same.

If you have still haven’t found what that hidden talent is, then lovely people its high time you pay attention to that. 😉


If supposing your child enjoys swimming then you can probably join him in swimming classes this way you can channelize the energy of your child and redirect the same in the right direction.

You can also simultaneously impose positive thoughts in your child.

3.Try Alternative Healing Methods

This might getting you into thinking what exactly would this alternate healing method be.. Well yeah, I’m getting to it, you can engage your child in yoga and meditation.. This would help him to calm down and focus on positive activities more and he will gradually get calmed down.


You can also try taking your child for regular walk. It has been proved in several researches that walking regularly has direct influence in concentration power. Walking would increase the attention span of your child.


Along with the above two, you can also teach your child deep breathing exercises. Teach your child to take deep breaths when he feels aggressiveness and anger in him.


If you succeed in teaching your child this, then, your child will not hit or hurt any other child or himself on a matter of impulse or response.

Deep breathing would also help to provide more oxygen to the brain and this in turn calms down the child. 🙂

Engage Child in Household Responsibilities

You can do this by simply fixing sometime either daily or on weekends and involve your entire family in some creative activity. It can either be cleaning each one’s room or cabinet or working in the garden. If the complete family is engaged in the cleaning activity, everyone will enjoy this way you can both do your work and also be able to engage your child in some fruitful work.


Encourage your child to do reading

You can persuade your child to read something interesting. You can provide the reading material to your child but just ensure that you give him materials he is interested in. Show him several story books and give him the liberty to choose between them…



And I shall end today’s post with just a small piece of advice,

  1. When you are dealing with a hyperactive child you definitely need to be patient and you got to stay calm yourself first.
  2.  Try and develop a good and healthy relationship with your child by spending quality time with your child.
  3. Focus on long term bonding you can do this by communicating well with him even if he is small.

Exercise helps focus well and utilize the nervous energy in the right way keeping this in mind, spend time in which all of you enjoy the most.

short inspirational quotesso until next time 🙂





…. much love ❤ prayers 🙂 and good vibes from Geeka ❤ 😉

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