ADHD- Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Good evening folks ❤

Hope all of you had an amazing Diwali.. ate loads and loads of sweets.. 🙂 ❤  enjoyed the lovely weather and the rains.. 🙂


Now all of you’ll must be set to start your routine activities.. 🙂

And for those of you who found it soo hard to wake up in the morning after a looooooooooooong break, 😥  I totally understand.. 😀 

And darlings ❤ I’m sure you are going to find this post really interesting and informative 🙂

Todays post would cover topics such as,

  • What is ADHD
  • The Common Symptoms of ADHD
  • What Can be done to reduce the disorder ?


Lemme guess.. You are probably wondering …

What is ADHD all about ?

ADHD or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is a common behavioural disorder that affects about 10% of school going children. And it is believed to affect boys thrice the time it affects the girls, however, the reason to this is still not known.


Children with ADHD act without thinking are extremely hyper and have major troubles in focussing. They would understand what you expect of them but would have issues in following the instructions as they cannot sit in a place or pay attention or focus on details. 

Some Common Symptoms of ADHD

When it comes to ADHD there are three types;

# The inattentive type

# The Impulsive type

# The hyperactive type

 Symptoms for an impulsive type ADHD

1. Difficulty in waiting for his or her turn


2. They might have trouble in waiting until a question is finished to answer the same 


3. You might catch them often interrupting others


Symptoms for an inattentive type ADHD

1. They might get easily distracted 


2. They might have massive trouble in following directions and completing the tasks


3. They would find it hard to focus on the details boy_lining_up_toys

4. They might find it hard to listen while speaking to others


5. They might forget to do daily tasks

Amazed or surprised child boy

6. They would often lose things


7. They would have a tendency to daydream


Symptoms for the Hyper-active type ADHD

1. They would frequently squirm or fidget things while sitting


2. They would have major issues in being seated 


3. They would find it difficult to play quietly 

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4. You would notice that they are restless and they are always in motion


5. They would have a tendency to talk excessively


I know what all you folks are probably thinking now 😉

Yes, Of course, all kids (especially the younger lots) act this way at times, particularly when they’re anxious or excited about something 🙂

But the difference with ADHD is that symptoms are present over a longer period of time and happen in different settings!

And most importantly, they hurt a child’s ability to function socially, academically, and at home.  😦

….Now this brings us to the end of today’s post 🙂


until next time, much love, prayers and good vibes from Geeka ❤

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